How to Fix Missing Push Notification Entitlement
Why are push notification entitlements missing from your mobile app, and how can you fix them? Read this blog to find out.

Part 1: Understanding Push Notification Entitlements
1. Introduction to Push Notifications in Mobile Development
2. Defining Push Notification Entitlements
3. The Role and Importance of Entitlements in App Functionality
Part 2: Diagnosing the Issue: Why are Push Notification Entitlements Missing?
1. The Dreaded "itms-90078: missing push notification entitlement" Error
2. Common Causes for Missing Entitlements
- App Configuration Oversights
- Provisioning Profile Discrepancies
- Code-Level Omissions
- SDK or Library Inconsistencies
Part 3: A Comprehensive Guide to Resolving Missing Entitlement Issues
1. Step-by-Step: Rectifying App Configuration
2. Ensuring the Right Provisioning Profile
3. Code-Level Checks and Fixes
4. Updating and Verifying SDKs and Libraries
Part 4: Best Practices and Proactive Measures
1. Regular Audits of App Configurations
2. Leveraging Automated Testing Tools: Introducing Mobot for Push Notification Testing
3. Keeping Abreast with Platform-specific Documentation and Updates
4. Continuous Training and Skill Upgradation for Development and QA Teams
Part 5: Conclusion: Ensuring Seamless Push Notification Delivery
1. The Critical Role of Push Notifications in User Engagement
2. The Cost of Overlooking Entitlements
3. Embracing a Proactive Approach: Testing and Verification
4. Final Recommendations: Staying Ahead of Potential Issues
Part 1: Understanding Push Notification Entitlements
Introduction to Push Notifications in Mobile Development
Push notifications have become an integral part of the mobile app ecosystem. These brief messages or alerts, sent by an app to a user's device, play a pivotal role in user engagement, retention, and overall app functionality. From alerting users about a new message or update to nudging them towards a specific action, push notifications are indispensable.
However, to send or receive push notifications, specific permissions or "entitlements" are required. Without these entitlements, an app's push notification functionality might be compromised, leading to the dreaded "itms-90078: missing push notification entitlement" error.
Defining Push Notification Entitlements
In the realm of iOS app development, entitlements are a set of key-value pairs embedded in the app, granting permission to use iOS features like iCloud, in-app purchasing, and, of course, push notifications. Specifically, the push notification entitlement allows an app to receive remote notifications.
For instance, in the app's `.entitlements` file, you might find something like this:
This snippet indicates that the app has the entitlement to receive push notifications in a development environment.
The Role and Importance of Entitlements in App Functionality
Entitlements, especially those related to push notifications, are not just a formality. They serve critical functions:
- Security: Entitlements ensure that only authorized apps can access specific iOS features. This prevents malicious apps from abusing features like push notifications to spam or deceive users.
- Functionality: Without the correct entitlements, certain app features simply won't work. For instance, an app without the push notification entitlement won't be able to receive remote notifications, even if all the other code is correctly implemented.
- User Experience: Imagine an app that promises real-time updates via push notifications but fails to deliver because of missing entitlements. Such oversights can lead to poor user reviews, reduced trust, and decreased user retention.
- Compliance: Apple's App Store has stringent guidelines. Apps with missing or incorrect entitlements can face rejection during the review process. The "itms-90078: missing push notification entitlement" error is a clear indicator of such an oversight.
In conclusion, push notification entitlements are more than just a technical requirement. They are a testament to an app's adherence to best practices, its commitment to user security, and its promise of delivering a seamless user experience. As we delve deeper into the causes of missing entitlements and their solutions in the subsequent sections, it's essential to remember the pivotal role these entitlements play in the broader app ecosystem. For professionals like mobile engineers and directors of QA, understanding and ensuring the correct implementation of these entitlements is not just a task – it's a responsibility.
Part 2: Diagnosing the Issue: Why are Push Notification Entitlements Missing?
The Dreaded "itms-90078: missing push notification entitlement" Error
Every mobile engineer or QA director dreads seeing the "itms-90078: missing push notification entitlement" error. This error typically surfaces during the app review process for the App Store or when trying to push an update. It signals that the app is attempting to use push notifications but lacks the necessary entitlements.
But what leads to this error? Let's delve into the common causes.
Common Causes for Missing Entitlements
1. Incomplete App Configuration in Developer Console: The Apple Developer Console requires specific configurations for enabling push notifications. If these configurations are incomplete or incorrect, the entitlements might be missing.
In the Apple Developer Console, under the app's identifier settings, the "Push Notifications" capability might be turned off, leading to the missing entitlement error.
2. Mismatched Provisioning Profiles: Provisioning profiles bind developers' apps to their development devices and include information about the app’s entitlements. A mismatch or an outdated profile can lead to missing entitlements.
Technical Insight:
# Using the command line to check the entitlements of a provisioning profile
security cms -D -i /path/to/provisioning/profile.mobileprovision
This command will display the entitlements embedded in the profile, allowing developers to verify if push notifications are included.
3. Absence of Required Code in App's Source: Sometimes, the app's source code might lack the necessary code to handle push notifications, leading to the entitlement error.
In Swift, the app delegate should implement methods from the `UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate` to handle notifications. If these methods are missing, it might lead to entitlement issues.
4. Outdated SDKs or Libraries: Using outdated SDKs or libraries can lead to compatibility issues, including missing entitlements. It's crucial to ensure that all SDKs or libraries related to push notifications are up-to-date.
Technical Insight:
# Using CocoaPods to update libraries
pod update LibraryName
This command updates the specified library to the latest version, ensuring compatibility and up-to-date entitlements.
Understanding the Impact of Missing Entitlements
While the "itms-90078: missing push notification entitlement" error might seem like a minor hiccup, its implications are significant:
- App Store Rejection: Apple has stringent guidelines, and apps with missing entitlements can face rejection, delaying the app's launch or update.
- Reduced User Engagement: Push notifications are a powerful tool for user engagement. Missing out on this feature can lead to reduced user activity and engagement.
- Potential Security Risks: Incorrect entitlements can sometimes expose the app to vulnerabilities, especially if malicious entities exploit these gaps.
In conclusion, understanding the root causes of missing push notification entitlements is the first step towards resolving them. With the rapid evolution of mobile app development and the increasing complexity of apps, such issues can arise. However, with a systematic approach to diagnosis and a deep understanding of the underlying systems, these challenges can be effectively addressed. In the subsequent sections, we'll delve deeper into the solutions and preventive measures, ensuring that your app remains robust, compliant, and user-friendly.
Part 3: A Comprehensive Guide to Resolving Missing Entitlement Issues
Step-by-Step: Rectifying App Configuration
1. Apple Developer Console Configuration:
- Log into the [Apple Developer Console](
- Navigate to "Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles."
- Under "Identifiers," select your app.
- Ensure that the "Push Notifications" capability is turned on.
Code Insight:
import UserNotifications
// Requesting push notification permission
UNUserNotificationCenter.current().requestAuthorization(options: [.alert, .sound, .badge]) { granted, error in
// Handle the permission callback
2. Update App's Info.plist:
Ensure that the `Info.plist` file of your app contains the necessary permissions for push notifications.
Ensuring the Right Provisioning Profile
1. Regenerate the Provisioning Profile:
If there's a mismatch or if the profile is outdated, regenerate it from the Apple Developer Console.
2. Re-download and Implement:
After regenerating, download the new profile and implement it in your Xcode project.
Technical Insight:
# Refreshing provisioning profiles in Xcode
xcodebuild -alltargets -configuration Debug clean build
3. Verify Entitlements in the Profile:
As mentioned earlier, use the `security` command to inspect the entitlements of the profile.
Code-Level Checks and Fixes
1. Implement Notification Handling Methods:
Ensure that your app delegate or relevant classes implement methods from the `UNUserNotificationCenterDelegate`.
Code Insight:
func userNotificationCenter(_ center: UNUserNotificationCenter, willPresent notification: UNNotification, withCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UNNotificationPresentationOptions) -> Void) {
// Handle the notification when the app is in the foreground
2. Ensure Correct Initialization:
Ensure that the push notification services are correctly initialized when the app starts.
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
// Initialize push notification services here
return true
Updating and Verifying SDKs and Libraries
1. Update All SDKs and Libraries:
Regularly update all SDKs and libraries related to push notifications to their latest versions.
Technical Insight:
# Using CocoaPods to update all libraries
pod update
2. Verify SDK Initialization:
If you're using third-party SDKs for push notifications, ensure they're correctly initialized and configured.
If using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), ensure that the FirebaseApp is correctly initialized in the app delegate.
import Firebase
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
return true
In conclusion, while the "itms-90078: missing push notification entitlement" error can be daunting, a systematic approach to troubleshooting can help resolve it efficiently. By ensuring correct configurations, up-to-date provisioning profiles, accurate code implementations, and updated SDKs, you can ensure a seamless push notification experience for your users. In the upcoming sections, we'll explore best practices to avoid such issues in the future and how tools like Mobot can aid in ensuring your push notifications work flawlessly.
Part 4: Best Practices and Preventive Measures for Push Notification Entitlements
Understanding the Root Causes
Before diving into the best practices, it's essential to understand the root causes of missing push notification entitlements. This will provide a foundation for implementing preventive measures.
- Mismatched Provisioning Profiles: This is one of the most common causes. If an app is built with a provisioning profile that doesn't have push notifications enabled, it will lead to the entitlement error.
- Outdated SDKs or Libraries: Using outdated versions of SDKs or libraries can lead to compatibility issues and unexpected errors.
- Incorrect App ID Configuration: The App ID, which is a unique identifier for your app, must be correctly configured with push notifications.
Best Practices for Push Notification Configuration
1. Regularly Review App IDs and Profiles:
- Ensure that the App ID associated with your app has push notifications enabled.
- Regularly review and regenerate provisioning profiles, especially after making changes to App ID settings.
Technical Insight:
# List all provisioning profiles
security find-identity -v -p codesigning
2. Consistent Environment Matching:
Ensure that the development and distribution environments match. For instance, don't use a development certificate with a distribution provisioning profile.
3. Automate Profile Management with CI/CD:
Use Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment tools to automate provisioning profile management. This ensures that the latest and correct profiles are always used.
Tools like Fastlane can help automate many aspects of iOS development, including managing provisioning profiles.
# Using Fastlane to synchronize provisioning profiles
fastlane match development
Staying Updated
- Regularly Update SDKs and Libraries: As mentioned earlier, always ensure that you're using the latest versions of SDKs and libraries related to push notifications.
- Stay Informed on Apple's Documentation: Apple's documentation is a valuable resource. Regularly check for updates or changes related to push notifications.
Testing Push Notifications Thoroughly
- Use Real Devices for Testing: While simulators are useful, they don't fully replicate the behavior of real devices. Always test push notifications on actual devices.
- Leverage Tools like Mobot: Mobot is an excellent tool for testing push notifications. It can help identify issues before they reach production, ensuring a seamless user experience.
Conclusion for Part 4:
Push notifications are a critical component of many mobile apps, providing real-time updates and enhancing user engagement. However, the intricacies of their configuration can lead to challenges like missing entitlements. By understanding the root causes, implementing best practices, staying updated, and leveraging tools like Mobot, developers can ensure a smooth push notification experience for their users. In the next section, we'll delve deeper into advanced troubleshooting techniques and explore the future of push notifications in mobile apps.
Part 5: Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques and the Future of Push Notifications
Advanced Troubleshooting Techniques
1. Deep Dive into Console Logs:
When encountering the "itms-90078: missing push notification entitlement" error, one of the first places to check is the console logs. These logs can provide more detailed information about the root cause of the error.
Technical Insight:
# Accessing device logs using the command line
xcrun simctl spawn booted log stream --predicate 'eventMessage CONTAINS "Push"'
2. Manual Entitlement File Verification:
Sometimes, the entitlements file might not be correctly integrated into the build. Manually checking the `.entitlements` file can help verify that the required permissions are present.
Ensure that the `.entitlements` file contains:
For production, the string should be `production`.
3. Certificate and Key Verification:
Ensure that the push notification certificate and the corresponding private key are correctly installed in the Keychain Access.
Technical Insight:
# List all certificates in the keychain
security find-certificate -a -p | openssl x509 -noout -subject
4. App Thinning and Bitcode:
Sometimes, the issue might arise due to app thinning or Bitcode recompilation. Ensure that the entitlements are correctly set for all app variants.
5. Third-party Libraries and Plugins:
Some third-party libraries or plugins might modify the build process. Ensure that none of these interfere with the push notification entitlements.
The Future of Push Notifications
- Richer User Experiences: The future of push notifications is not just about text. Expect to see more interactive notifications, with images, videos, and even AR experiences.
- Improved Personalization with AI: With the integration of AI, push notifications can be more personalized, ensuring that users receive only the most relevant notifications.
- Enhanced Security: As push notifications become more integral to apps, ensuring their security will be paramount. Expect to see more robust encryption and authentication methods.
- Integration with Wearables and IoT: Push notifications will not be limited to smartphones. They will be integrated with wearables and other IoT devices, offering a more seamless user experience.
Mobot: The Future-Ready Tool for Push Notification Testing
As push notifications evolve, so do the tools used to test them. Mobot ( stands at the forefront of this evolution. With its advanced features and robust testing capabilities, it ensures that your push notifications work flawlessly, irrespective of the changes in the mobile app landscape.
Conclusion for Part 5:
Push notifications, while seemingly straightforward, come with a set of challenges. However, with a deep understanding of the underlying mechanisms, advanced troubleshooting techniques, and tools like Mobot, these challenges can be effectively addressed. As we look to the future, it's clear that push notifications will continue to play a pivotal role in enhancing user engagement and experience. Being prepared for these advancements will ensure that your mobile app remains at the forefront of innovation and user satisfaction.
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